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Catastrophic injuries are devastating injuries that take a relentless toll on both the person and the family.  These injuries are often instantly obvious but sometimes may not be apparent for months or even years after the incident. Catastrophic injuries are usually severe injuries to the spine or brain but also affect other parts of the body through amputation, eye-injuries, burns, and multiple bone fractures.

The most common causes of catastrophic injuries are car and trucking-related accidents, work-place accidents and medical malpractice.  But no matter the cause, the injured person is often left with a huge medical bill for past treatment and the unfortunate expectation of significant expenses for medical care in the future.  These expenses are usually compounded because of the person’s inability to earn an income as a direct result of the injuries.

If the incident causing these catastrophic injuries are the result of negligence, the injured person may be entitled to file a lawsuit against the person or company responsible. The attorneys at Nosich & Ganz have handled thousands of lawsuits, with a significant number of those cases involving catastrophic injuries. The Nosich & Ganz firm uses its specialized knowledge and experience of complicated medical injuries to quickly assess and investigate the cause of the incident and related bodily harm.  Nosich & Ganz understands that speed of the litigation and earlier resolution is of upmost importance since the person may need the compensation to properly deal with the loss of past and future income, the expenses related to past and future medical care, and mental and emotional trauma and anguish.

If either you or your family believe that you have been a victim of an incident causing catastrophic injuries in Florida contact Nosich & Ganz.

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